To just get on with it, here is how to obtain the new book "Cycle Zoo" Bikes for the 21st Century.
Physical Copy
Australia: Through Booktopia or Dymocks or Amazon or Book Depository
USA: Through Barnes and Noble
UK: Through Blackwell's
Germany: Abebooks
not sure about distribution elsewhere, but if anyone can recommend a
good place to buy it, please let me know. Searching by book number (ISBN
9780648925248) within a bookseller's website produced hits for me at Booktopia, Dymocks, Blackwell's and Abebooks.
Ebook (Just out, September 21, 2021)
The ebook isbn is 978-0-6452623-6-0, and searching for Cycle Zoo Nurse within a bookseller's website produced hits for me at
Amazon, Australia
Booktopia, Australia
Kobo, Australia
Barnes and Noble USA Nook Ebook with preview
If you find any other good links, please let me know!
Reviews, Links, Blogs etc.
Chris Starr's 3CR interview
Cycling Boardgame's discussion and links to free downloads.
About the book as guest blogger for Working Type
Interview on laidbackbikereport video magazine with web links in description
And some sample pages.
In 2010 I started this blog to publicize the first edition of Cycle Zoo which had just come out. Things have moved on a bit since then, but a constant has been that I have continued to build, design and fix bikes. Part of this process was during an industrial design master's degree at Monash University. Along the way I gathered enough material for a new version of the book and in late 2019 supplemented this with a few interviews.
So a new version of the book's out now, I have gone with print on demand through Ingramspark. This saves me dealing with a large print run of books and allows printing of books to be done near the purchaser. Ingrams have print facilities in Britain, Melbourne Australia and the USA.
I'm very proud of the result and that the book provides links and background to free leaning trike and cycling boardgame plans on Thingiverse. Ebook versions of Cycle Zoo are coming soon, I am working on them.
Thanks to everyone concerned with making this book.
It couldn’t have been done without:
My family Christine and Ewan Nurse and Phoebe Venables Contributors Gayle Potts, Nell Sudano, Alyson McDonald, Adam Hari and Daniel Oakman
Blogger and photographer Jun Nogami,
Photographer Kim Aagaard, https:// bicycles_only/
John Hagan and Jeremy Lawrence, back cover photos
Encouragement from Carole Wilkinson
Editor Neil Conning and designer Luke Harris, and lastly technical editor and contributor George Durbridge.
Steve Nurse
About the cover: During my time studying for a Design Master's at Monash, postgrad students designed posters to brighten up the place and let people know about our research. The pic above shows one of them I still have. The design shows the NC routed timber trike described in the book, with a background of timber pieces used in its construction. Anyway, the idea worked well for the poster and lives on in the books cover design.