Plastic Pot plants from recycle centre (right) will do the job of extra traffic cones, and they are very cheap at 5 - 10c each. I am an old hand at this, having sourced cones for the Corryong event several years ago. |
Newly created arrows for road race guidance. Timber from a dumpster, laminated A4 paper, paper clamps. |
Mr. T., the Miscellaneous Rolling Thing as detailed in the last post. |
Shopping Race Items, the race will have 2 riders racing against each other, they will have to pick up and deposit the shopping, otherwise receive a time penalty. |
Left to right, Junior, Women's, Men's and Senior trophies.
Hi, for the last few days I have been preparing for the OzHpv Challenge in Bendigo, and some of the results can be seen above. The trike I will take is on sale through ebay, here is the
link, and there is a photo of the trike below with one side cover removed . Off to Bendigo tommorrow.
Steve Nurse