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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Spirit of Akasha

Mick Turner on right playing along.....

to the surf movie Spirit of Akasha"

On Friday night, my wife Christine and I went in to see "Spirit of Akasha".  This is a surfing movie and an homage, 40 years later to the cult surf movie "Morning of the Earth".  Spirit of Akasha features new music, new surfers, new surfboards but still remains faithful to the spirit of the original.  For us, the big attraction of Friday's screening was live music onstage.  There were about 20 musicians playing at different times, so it was a sort of Rock'n'Roll orchestra.  After the show was over, I went and spoke to one of the musicians, Mick Turner, who I've known since we went to school together quite a while ago.  If you can go see a music plus film presentation of "Spirit of Akasha", I urge you to do so.  The grown ups are not in charge!

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