The OzHpv Challenge 2011 was held in the NSW / Victoria border town of Wodonga over the weekend of 9 and 10 of April. The Challenge races are unique in my experience: they are open to a wide range of abilities, ages and vehicles and the emphasis is on fun as much as winning. Tim Marquardt was the main organiser and this was the first event I have attended as President of OzHpv. And I stand by every word I've said about the races in the past: a great event and well worth attending for all cycle enthusiasts and cycling families, whether or not you are interested in human powered vehicles. The results that I know are Mens: Malcolm Butler 1, Jamie Friday 2 Women's: Laura Houghton 1, Faye Downing 2 Juniors: Bryce Marquardt 1 but we were all winners on the day. Personally I had a great Challenge. Some of my photos and videos came out very well, I won the shopping race and came second in the go to whoa on a bike I'd designed and made myself. My wife Christine had a good time and made a great contribution, sponsoring a race and organising certificates for race winners. Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors, especially Kim from Cruzbike, Alex from Natural Speed Engine and Ken from Trisled who all helped out extensively. Ken was really in the spirit of things, riding a dragster in some of the races, supporting his daughter in others and timing and helping out wherever he could. Alex competed fiercely and the Performer bikes he sells were the predominant brand on the track. Kim brought up a large shelter which served as "officials' hq" for the event and happily demonstrated his Cruzbikes throughout the event. He also kindly loaned Jamie Friday a wheel which got him going in the events. A lot of the discussion of the Challenge has been on discussion groups like the "members only" OzHPV mailing list, http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/ozhpv/ : here are a few links to photos and videos about the Challenge. I'm in a few of the videos, the "orange shirt guy" at the end of Andrew's video and the beginning of Pete's video. Regards Steve Nurse From Peter Heal "My Challenge videos are here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ3ccNX8Mb8 and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krOT9wBQ_8Q Some still pics
http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j211/PoiterH/Challenge%202011/ Thank you linesmen, thank you sponsors." My 3 videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHvjkqBQJLQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DojLYBqSjBo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_hzuqDkNwo Andrew Stewart's video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f08b2pwgUjc. " From Malcolm "the champion" Butler: "And here are my photos:
http://malb.org/OzHpvChallenge2011 "
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