Nice graphics, head tube and ......
Frame |
Rack alone
New front wheel
Old front wheel
New back wheel
Old Back wheel
New cranks
Old cranks
Bearing clean
New crank, removing a chainring
The weigh in at start:
17.43 kg!
This bike came from our friend Jill, she had it at home not being used. Its a Repco Tracer, with nice graphics. It calls itself all terrain, but in fact it was quite heavy (steel wheels, handlebars, stem and cranks) and the gear ratios limited. So before even starting on it I sourced lighter aluminium rim wheels, one from Ceres and one from home.
So after wheel and crank mods, the weight is down to 14.8 kg. The rack was broken, so that was taken off. The tyres are still a problem, they have very heavy tread and they really should be swapped before the bike is given away. Anyway, the weight loss could go further with alu steerer and handlebars, but these are white and match the bike, so I won't change them.
Regards Steve Nurse
Update December 10
From the dumpster at Back2bikes where I have been volunteering, I sourced 2 tyres and a bell and an old gearchanger. The tyres and bell have made their way onto the Repco. They are a bit worn but are much lighter, better-rolling, and more flexible than the old tyres which are dstined for the scrap heap. Weight is now down to 14kg.
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