A welcome lunch Stop at Junee. It had been quite hot and we had a few navigation hiccups.
Back at the scout hall, Duncan, Adam and Michael are doing what recumbent riders do best, that is....
Discuss recumbents
Junee with a few niice bikes, Pete Heal's Lizards and a Velokraft.
Junee |
Junee lunch stop, this is the caf and gift shop in the fine old railway station.
Terry Burn, Junee
Junee |
Junee |
Near Junee
The unstoppable Jason F. with his Greenspeed electric trike
Near Junee
Leaving Wagga, Pete Heal behind me.
Leaving Wagga
Jason and Pete, Wagga rush hour
Near the scout hall
Jason's setup
Hi, photos from yesterdays extended ride from Wagga Wagga to Junee. It got quite warm and windy, and we were happy to get to the rest stops. My bike went well and I am very happy with its aerodynamics compared to the commercial - and Pete - Heal - custom - bikes in the group.
Junee itself is a very nice town, lots of historical buildings with not a huge population and friendly locals.
Got to stop now, our ride leader Leonard has arrived for today's ride.
Steve Nurse
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